02/07/2024 0 Kommentare
Auf der Suche nach Gott in der Literatur: Sommerpredigtreihe in Region Neunkirchen
Auf der Suche nach Gott in der Literatur: Sommerpredigtreihe in Region Neunkirchen
# Neuigkeiten

Auf der Suche nach Gott in der Literatur: Sommerpredigtreihe in Region Neunkirchen
Literary works are the focus of this year's summer sermon series of the Protestant parishes in the Neunkirchen region. From July 30 to August 13, sermons dealing with religious questions in literature can be heard in the Christ Church in Neunkirch and in the Evangelical Churches in Heiligenwald and Elversberg. It starts at 10 a.m. in the participating churches.
It starts on Sunday, July 30, in Neunkirchen with thoughts from Pastor Uwe Schmidt on Amélie Nohom's "The Passion". In Heiligenwald, Pastor Marianne Tusch is studying the novel “Beyond Eden” by John Steinbeck and Pastor Doris Barrois is addressing “The Discovery of Slowness” by Stan Nadolny.
In the following weeks, Pastor Michael Hilka will also deal with “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” (Oscar Wilde) and retired Pastor Wolfgang Struß with texts by Rainer Maria Rilke.
The dates at a glance:
- Sunday, July 30th: Uwe Schmidt in Neunkirchen, Marianne Tusch in Heiligenwald, Doris Barrois in Elversberg
- Sunday, August 6th: Wolfgang Struß in Neunkirchen, Doris Barrois in Heiligenwald, Michael Hilka in Elversberg
- Sunday, August 13: Doris Barrois in Neunkirchen, Michael Hilka in Heiligenwald, Marianne Tusch in Elversberg